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Yusman Yacob, Jati Kasuma Ali, Nelson Lajuni, Hiram Ting, Muhd Khairul Azhar Ahmad.
Page No : 1-15
This study attempts to examine the dimensions of cooperative characteristics towards trust in cooperative brand. Although there are abundance of studies on brand’s trust in the marketing literature, little has been done on the factors leading to brand’s trust in the cooperative context. Specifically, the present study serves as a groundwork to examine the dimensions of cooperative characteristics and its relation towards trust in the cooperative brand among cooperative members with a focus on Sarawak consumer cooperatives as a research site of the study. Cooperative integrity, cooperative reputation, perceived motives of cooperative, and trust in cooperative as a dimension of cooperative characteristics are looked into so as to assess their impact on trust in the cooperative brand. A quantitative approach was adopted using self-administered questionnaire. By using field data collected from 135 consumer cooperative members in Sarawak, all postulated relationships are examined using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings suggest that cooperative characteristics, namely cooperative integrity, perceived motives of cooperative and trust in cooperative have significant effect on trust in cooperative brand. However, cooperative reputation shows insignifcant impact on trust in cooperative brand. The study highlights the need to inculcate cooperative members’ with adequate knowledge about cooperative as well as to provide platform for them to acquire their experience with the cooperative so as to transform into their trust in the cooperative brand. The study also provides the managerial implications to cooperative as a retail provider as well as cooperative members’ and future directions of the research .
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Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak Shaik, Aishah Ariffin, Shamsul Khairi Abu Hassan, Rosidah Rashid, Mohd Fitri Ab Rahman, Mohamad Haniff Mohamad Hashim, Nazirah Baharudin.
Page No : 17-24
Belia merupakan pelapis masa hadapan yang disifatkan sebagai aset negara yang mempunyai semangat tinggi serta penentu kejayaan program dan dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan belia dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi dan isu-isu serta cabaran yang mereka hadapi. Kajian ini melibatkan 300 responden terdiri daripada mereka yang berumur antara 18 hingga 40 tahun yang merupakan Anggota Lembaga Koperasi (ALK) atau kakitangan yang terlibat dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi di semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Kaedah analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, kolerasi dan regrasi berganda. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan belia dalam jawatan utama (Pengerusi, Setiausaha dan Bendahari) koperasi adalah rendah. Minat merupakan faktor utama mendorong belia menyertai koperasi. Manakala, kepimpinan merupakan faktor paling mempengaruhi penglibatan belia dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi. Antara isu utama dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi yang dihadapi belia ialah kerjasama, perancangan aktiviti dan pengetahuan tentang koperasi. Manakala, kekangan masa dan keyakinan masyarakat pula, menjadi cabaran utama dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi.
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Sharul Effendy Janudin, Hartini Jaafar, Zuriadah Ismail, Mohd Shahron Anuar Said.
Page No : 25-45
Sistem pengukuran prestasi merupakan alat pengurusan yang efektif untuk mengurus pencapaian
objektif dan matlamat strategik koperasi. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membina model sistem
pengukuran prestasi kontemporari koperasi-koperasi terbaik Malaysia. Sampel kajian ini
terdiri daripada pengerusi, setiausaha, bendahari, ahli lembaga dan pengurusan koperasi 100
terbaik tahun 2016. 328 maklumbalas yang diterima telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan
pendekatan persamaan pemodelan berstruktur (structural equation modelling). Dapatan kajian
membuktikan sistem pengukuran prestasi yang diamalkan oleh pihak pengurusan koperasi
adalah bersifat kontemporari. Tiga komponen utama sistem pengukuran prestasi kontemporari
iaitu strategik, komprehensif dan dinamik didapati padan dengan model yang dibangunkan.
Model sistem pengukuran prestasi yang dibangunkan ini boleh dijadikan panduan penggerak
koperasi untuk memastikan aktiviti yang dijalankan sentiasa selari dengan objektif jangka
panjang dan memenuhi inspirasi Dasar Koperasi Negara (DKN) 2011 - 2020
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M. Karthikeyan, Amanuel Fekadu.
Page No : 47-62
Ethiopia is producing ranges of coffee varieties with unique flavors, quality and traditional
organic and shade grown coffee by smallholder farmers for which actors including cooperatives
are involved in adding values at each stage of the activities of the value chain. This study
focused on examining the linkage between cooperatives and other actors in coffee value chain,
and analyzing factors influencing the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain. The
study was conducted in Sasiga district. All the five primary coffee cooperatives were selected
purposively and 134 respondents were selected using PPS sampling technique. Both primary
and secondary data collection methods were used. The data was analyzed using descriptive
statistics and Binary logistic regression model. The result of the descriptive statistics showed
that there was strong linkage among chain actors. The binary logistic regression model revealed
that trust, technology, market information and training has statistically significant positive
partial effect on the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain at P-value of less than
5% while timely delivery of products and financial support have statistical significant positive
effect on the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain at p-value of between 5%and
10%. Though the result of the descriptive statistics showed that there is strong linkage among
chain actors, greater attention should be given by all stakeholders to further strengthen the
linkage by minimizing the adverse effect of practices which erodes members trust and affects
the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain. On top of these, the chain actors should
exchange technologies and market information to increase their competitiveness. Sustained
training has to be offered to cooperatives based on need assessment to enhance their technical
capacity to process coffee for adding value. Similarly, coffee cooperatives financial base has to
be strengthened through promoting self-financing strategies and interventions
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Arinanye Joseph, Julius Omona.
Page No : 63-88
The study investigated the survival strategies of producer cooperatives in Uganda, by using
Nyakatonzi Growers’ Cooperative Union as a case study. The study explored the role of
diversification; examined members’ participated in the union activities; assessed the role of
cooperative leadership and management; and established the extent to which the financial
and asset base facilitated the survival of the cooperative union. A case study research design
combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used. Data was
collected in January 2013 using a questionnaire, interview techniques and observation with
100 respondents from four primary cooperative societies (PCSs) affiliated to Nyakatonzi
Growers’ Cooperative Union. Data was analysed using SPSS16. The study established that
diversification played a significant role in the survival of the cooperative union. The board of
directors made union decisions through the top-bottom approach, ensured strategic planning,
and supervised management and mobilised resources. Nonetheless, a competent, skilled and
innovative management empowered through capacity-building programmes ran the union and
access to information and assets enhanced production. The study recommends that producer
cooperatives should pursue diversification through a variety of commodities and value addition
for higher bargaining power in the market. Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) should
strengthen the growth of PCSs through capacity-building and empowerment programmes for
effective members’ participation. The government also should spearhead awareness drives
about cooperatives, establish a framework for impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) and review the status of existing cooperatives.
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M. Karthikeyan, Ato Segni Niguse Gemeda.
Page No : 89-110
It is believed that above all the success of cooperative societies depends on the quality of
leadership competence dedicated and vibrant leader they possess. It is undisputed fact that
primary multipurpose cooperatives are meager means and thus mostly and are inefficient.
Hence this study is initiated to identify the cooperative leadership competencies to serve their
members by analyzing the determinants of cooperative leadership competence level. Eight
primary multipurpose cooperatives were selected from a total of 31 multipurpose cooperatives
in Ambo Woreda (district). Eight boards of directors as leaders from each selected cooperatives
(8x8=64), and 15 members from each selected cooperatives (15x8=120) were selected as
respondents. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted. Primary data was
collected using semi-structured interview schedule among leaders and members; checklists for
key informant interview and FGD. Descriptive statistics and ordered logit model were used to
analyze data collected. Leaders of selected cooperatives have response to five dimensions of
leadership competency. Majority of leaders are at competent level as reported by both leaders
and members by considering various core competencies of leadership. The crosstab analysis
revealed that there is relationship between demographic variables, leadership qualities, and
leadership skills. Ordered logit model result shows that education level and, knowledge and
ability have positive significant influence at 1% level, analytical thinking, human relation skill,
conceptual skill and personal traits have positive significant influence and communication skill
has negative significant influence at 5% level, leadership experience has positive influence,
and family size has negative influence as the leadership competency level at 10% level. As
for leadership competency level majority of the cooperative leaders are at competent level,
followed by novice level.