Analysis on the Competency of School Cooperative Board Members in Malaysia

Publication Date : 01/07/2013

Author(s) :

Jamilah Din, Noranita Mohd Nor, Rosidah Rashid.

Volume :
Volume 9

Abstract :

This paper explored the board members competencies of school cooperative in Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed using the stratifed random sampling method to obtain the perception of respondents from school cooperatives. For identifcation of the competency, the survey method is adopted and a total of 586 questionnaires were collected from individual respondents (Board Members) representing 100 selected Grade A school cooperatives. A response was then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows the level of competency among Board Members has a gap that means they have low competency in discharging their duties as board members of school cooperatives. Keywords: School cooperatives, Competency

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