Publication Date : 01/07/2011

Author(s) :

Norwatim Hj Abd Latiff.

Volume :
Volume 7

Abstract :

Risk taking involved decision made by the co-operative board member on some forms of investment which are funded by internal or external fnancing. In co-operative entrepreneurship level research, risk taking was used to identify board members action in developing their co-operative. Matters to assessed these items include external fnancing usage, diffculty on managing the investments, instrument that chosen to setting aside of funds excess, investment valuation method, and new high risk investment exploration. Research showed that risk taking were still at low level when more co-operatives decided not to use external fnancing because they do not dare to bear the losses and inability to pay back their loan. More co-operatives choose to invest in safer investment . Besides that, co-operative also less interested in managing big fund size to avoid from diffculty in running co-operative respectively . They are more comfortable to manage fund in small and medium size. Excess funds were also kept in fxed deposit. This obviously shows a large amount of co-operative choose to invest in instrument of low risk as compared to making investment in high risk instrument. At the same time, valuation method used for co-operatives are return on investment and fndings revealed that co-operatives have use less expert service in making investment evaluation

Pengambilan risiko melibatkan satu pembuatan keputusan oleh anggota lembaga koperasi terhadap sesuatu bentuk pelaburan samaada dibiayai oleh pembiayaan dalaman ataupun luaran. Dalam penyelidikan tahap keusahawanan koperasi, angkubah pengambilan risiko telah digunakan untuk melihat gelagat anggota lembaga dalam memajukan sesebuah koperasi. Perkara yang dinilai adalah merangkumi aspek penggunaan pembiayaan luaran, kesukaran mengurus pelaburan, instrumen yang dipilih untuk menyimpan dana berlebihan, kaedah penilaian pelaburan, dan penerokaan pelaburan baru berisiko tinggi. Penyelidikan menunjukkan angkubah pengambilan risiko masih pada tahap rendah apabila majoriti koperasi lebih cenderung untuk tidak menggunakan pembiayaan luaran kerana mereka tidak berani menanggung kerugian dan berkemungkinan tidak mampu menjelaskan balik pinjaman. Kebanyakan koperasi memilih untuk melabur dalam pelaburan yang selamat.

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