Publication Date : 01/07/2011

Author(s) :

Raja Maimon Raja Yusof, Rahimah Abdul Samad, Hasrin Abu Hassan.

Volume :
Volume 7

Abstract :

This study addresses the question of how retail co-operatives project their stature as socially responsible co-operatives through their corporate culture and their business ability. Using integrity as the proxy to such projection, the link between integrity and the corporate culture and integrity and business abilities are assessed. The fndings of this study confrmed such relationships and further illustrate how integrity is deemed crucial to the image of the co-operatives. Although this study is just an extension of another study on retail co-operatives, it nevertheless established how co-operatives view their positions as socially responsible entities and how important it is for the co-operatives to constantly display their actions as being efforts that will allow their members and the public to perceive them positively.

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