Publication Date : 01/07/2011

Author(s) :

Norazlan Hasbullah, Noranita Mohd Nor, Mohd Faisal Shariff, Ju Samsuddin Safan, Arfzawati Abd Hadi.

Volume :
Volume 7

Abstract :

This research studies the challenges faced by the Consumer Co-operatives in retail activities in Peninsular Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed using the simple random sampling to obtain the perception of respondents from co-operatives. 154 respondents were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows that fve key challenges faced by Adult Consumers Co-operative in Peninsular Malaysia are (1) Competition from the private sector, (2) Lack the knowledge and skills of the board member in the retail sector (3) The size of co-operative store is small; (4) Most of the credit facilities provided by the supplier is in a short period, and (5) Diffculty in obtaining co-operative store employees, qualifed and skilled.

Kajian ini memperlihatkan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh Koperasi Pengguna dalam menjalankan aktiviti peruncitan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Soal selidik telah diedarkan menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak dan sebanyak 154 responden telah dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis diskriptif. Kajian menunjukkan lima cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh Koperasi Pengguna Dewasa di Semenanjung Malaysia adalah; (1) Persaingan dari sektor swasta yang menjalankan perniagaan peruncitan; (2) Ahli Lembaga Koperasi(ALK) kurang pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam bidang peruncitan; (3) Saiz kedai koperasi yang kecil; (4) Kebanyakan kemudahan kredit yang diberikan oleh pembekal adalah dalam tempoh yang pendek; dan (5) Kesukaran mendapatkan kakitangan kedai koperasi yang berkelayakan dan berkemahiran.

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