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Abstract :
Governance calls for participation by members in organisational structures and business operations. In a co-operative institution both the players - the co-operative as an institution, and the members who are the owners should benefit. These benefits are the results of the services performed by the co-operative and the economic and social benefits that have been received by the members. Good governance is a judicious and fair way of doing business based on 1best practices, ethics and code of conduct . It provides a co¬ operative with a humane face and with economic advantages to itself and to its members. Governance can be studied under various perspectives e.g.. Governance by Objectives: Governance by Consensus; Governance by Compulsion: Governance by Compromise: Governance by Force/Coersion; Governance by Technical Means e.g., E-Govemance. Good governance calls for belief in the systems that ensure continuity and faith. It also calls for the leaders to change and adapt with times and circumstances and to enable the organisationto change as well and walk along with the needs and requirements of times.The instrumental nature of governance implies that the four governance pillars are universally applicable regardless of the economic orientation, strategic priorities, or policy choice of the government/organisation in question. These four pillars are: Accountability, Transparency. Predictability and Participation. Governance is closely linked to the legislation, institution's constitution and professional and management methods employed to operate the business. The objective leaders and highly professional management produce the quality of governance. Good governance is, thus, the product of true, dedicated and efficient managers. Such managers are, in turn, the products of positive, progressive and responsive environment surrounding them e.g.. good working conditions, harmonious relationship between the BOD and the managers, positive and. democratic legal framework, flexible by-laws, and reduced bureaucratic procedures
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